Being part of the HRC Community is an opportunity to meet HR Directors and Managers from leading companies. The network provides top-notch benchmarking and unique learning opportunities
Connecting the world and shortening distances to embrace a new way of networking
What is Included in the HRC Membership
12-month Membership
Strengthen your skills thanks to our live and on-demand training activities
Implement HR benchmarking policies and acquire Best Practices
Benefit from Global Benchmarking
Explore and be an active part of visions and strategies with HR Directors from 500+ companies in the Network
Become a Best Practice Leader by gaining the LinkedIn Open Badge, and helping to provide solutions to Network companies
Enhance HR teams through Certifications and Recognitions

Best HR team is a rewarding initiative dedicated to the HR teams wants to shine a light on best practice, innovative projects and courses, and offer an opportunity to celebrate the Community’s greatest asset, its people.
We annually reward them with a Best HR Team Certificate that will allow each team to be part of the annual ranking in HR categories.
All winning teams will participate to an exclusive night of celebration.
Available in Italian but we are actively working for you!
Join to your Global Community of HR Leaders
Request you membership!
HRC International Group
For further information, please contact:
Far parte della Community HRC significa accreditarsi nel più importante network di HR Director e HR Manager in Italia, ottenendo benefici in termini di networking, benchmarking HR e sviluppando relazioni di valore per il tuo lavoro.